Friday, March 10, 2017

Stage 2

Question 1: These websites utilized all features from the top ten websites. They didn't add any new features, that the top ten websites didn't cover.

Question 2:  Throughout all the websites they were some commonalities. Every website had a title, each website also had some sort of navigation bar so that the user could move around to various webpages. Also all four of the websites had images to go along with the text. 

Friday, March 3, 2017


Challenge 1: App tells whether its Halloween or not. The app will output the date time and whether its Halloween or not.

Challenge 2: App can tell when a person is in class and silence their phones. The app will output weather or not you are in a school and if your phone is silenced or not.

Challenge 3:App helps user pick clothing out in the morning. The app should output what the user should wear for the day.

Challenge 4: App helps user pick what movie to go to. The app should output the closest movie theater, and the top rated movies in those theaters.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Dominik Schumann: MSI Z270 M7 Gamining Motherboard
Ben Gauthier: Self-Driving UX- Toyoya Concept-i
Gaerin McGregor: HTC Vive Tracker
Katelyn Bonitatibus: Kuri  Robot
Sarah Armstrong: Petcube play

The Item I find most interesting is the Petcube play. I am interested in it because of its implications, it allows for owners to stay in contact with their pets, as well as monitoring the house and there pets activities. I believe that the product will be very successful on the market. The product retails for around 179  dollars (USD) a small price to pay for pet owners who really love their animals. 
Related image
Image result for Petcube play